Goal Complexes

When taking a look at proximal and distal factors of motivation it is good to know the difference between the two and the forces that lay behind them. Proximal motivation has factors that relate to behaviors and self efficacy, as well as, goal setting. Meanwhile, distal motivation is considered further from immediate behavior and therefore rely on things such as cultural values. This is also seen in a way in which proximal motivation is considered to be in the realm of things such as family, school, wealth, belief, and values. This is found in the model of development made by Bronfenbrenner. In contrast, distal motivation is found within things such as socio economic context. 

This leads into the goal complex framework. Which is focused on goals and reasons. This can be framed in a what and why context given the situation. However, it is essential to know that goals provide direction, while reasons provide energy. Within the goal complex framework also lays distal reasons. This includes, dispositional motive and self determination continuum. 

Dispositional motives are things such as need for affiliation, and need for achievement. Need for affiliation is a type of motivation that relies on harmonious relationships with others and conforming to group behaviors. However, need for achievement is to seek to excel and want to be provided with feedback, and prefer to work alone on a challenging task. Achievement motives have the dispositional tendencies of a hope for success and fear of failure. 

This is relevant for Azula because her character is based on the need for achievement and she has proximal motivation goal factors. Azula's need for achievement is seen when she begins her journey to capture the avatar. Azula knows that this task is something that is greatly needed for the fire nation's success and she takes on the mission with a will to succeed and no compromise for failure. Even when Azula thinks she is successful in landing a fatal blow on the avatar she remains suspicious and gives the honor to her brother so that he takes responsibility if the avatar's death is false. Azula also shows her need for achievement when she conquers bai sing se the impenetrable city! Though she works with a group to do it, she is willing to complete the task because she has a will to succeed and knows failure is not an option. Azula aims to please her father and nation and because of this only aims for the highest goals and success rate. All of these events show how she is achievement based, as well as what proximal factors exist within her character. She is driven by her beliefs to satisfy her nation and family, as well as to show herself how powerful she truly is. 


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