Twitter Fingers & More

      To begin, my Twitter experience has been pretty lame so far, but I cant blame that on anyone but myself to be honest. I have been interacting with classmates and I feel that it is fun to use sometimes. However, because I love to have charisma in my social media post I feel pressured whenever I tweet. Granted, Twitter can totally be beneficial to me in the future. I feel that as a high school teacher I will use it with my students and take polls and have bell-work questions, etc on there. I think it will be beneficial overall asa teacher once I actually make the effort to connect with other teachers. 

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      The digital divide is something that should be taken seriously by every teacher. It affects students in school variously. For example, a student with no access to the internet or computers will be more likely to not do as good as a student who is well aquatinted with technology and has access. Some causes for this issue may be: coming from a low socioeconomic status, underfunded schools, parent care, teacher assignments, etc. I may experience students with no access to the internet, and to combat this I will be sure to be aware of which students do and do not have access, the about of access the school provides, my own homework assignment, and preparing alternatives assignments if need be. 

      Something I would definitely like to have in my classroom is a Prezi. I feel like they are great for student interaction and can be used to make unique presentations. Another software tool I would like to have implemented into my classroom is Socrative. It is a great tool too have practice test questions, and even just to make sure the students are paying attention and learning. 

Image result for not tech savvy meme


  1. Great post! Please don't hold back on that charisma! Don't forget that the first part of PLN is "personal." Make it your own :)


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